Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hooray for meeeeee

Just got some good news -- my application to renew my job in Spain was accepted. Yay! I don't think I'm going to come back here, but at least it's an option for me, now. Also, I requested to teach at an official language academy for adults, which would more enjoyable for me. And if I were to come back to Spain, I would definitely look for Spanish roommates so I could go to the next level of really solidifying my Spanish -- even though I've really enjoyed living with my American roommates, I still feel like I missed out on that particular opportunity. I don't know yet where the Spanish Education Ministery will/would be placing me, so when I know I'll let everybody else know.

Right now, one of my biggest concerns is impending unemployment. And getting a writing gig is especially hard to come by right now, so I've been really anxious about going back home. Frown town. Worst case scenario, I'd go back to Victoria's Secret and work there until I find another "real" job.

Soon I'll be posting about Belgium. In the meantime, I'm still enjoying/savoring every morsel of Belgian chocolate I brought back...yummmm!

1 comment:

Cat said...

how do you know already that you've got your job back?! ugh sevilla.