Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sun Hangover

Casa del Campo en Llano .... Nuestro día al lado de la piscina

Livin' the life...at the time, anyway. Give it a couple more hours and I would start to see the merit in living life in a Berqa as a way to prevent sun burn when SPF 50+ cannot protect we Albinos. Few things in life are as miserable as being burned. "The guy who invented steam sucks."

We had a lot of fun, though, all in all. The time flew by pretty fast. So fast, that none of us really thought "oh, pass me some more sunscreen for that reapplication thing you're supposed to do, yeahhhh." Ah, well. I slathered it on my chest and I'm still in mucho dolor, but what can ya do.

Yesterday, I went to Becca's bf's family's summer pool house in Llanos to spend the morning/afternoon makin' some dogs + kebabs + some brew. Apparently drinking alcohol lowers hydration levels so the skin is more apt to get burned. I have some burns of death all over my chest, even though that's the area I focused on the most, since it has a tendency to crisp off into oblivion. My face escaped sun damage, probably because I was keeping my straw hat over my face while tanning. It's my legs that got it the worst - I didn't bother putting any sunscreen on the thigh region, cuz I said to myself I wasn't gonna take off my bermudas, I just wanted to chill. And then when the temps hit the opposite of chill, I just took those bad boys off and walked around swim suitin' it up and I eventually got in the pool, too.
I also made our hot dogs in a frying pan, inside, because there was no grill, oven, or microwave. I guess if you plan to cook there, you gotta be a stir fry virtuouso.

At the beginning, I was reading and tanning and in the zone while Claire and Emily played ping pong. At one point, Emily whacked the ball at the side of my face and I was not so pleased - luckily my hat blocked the blow, but yikes. I already have been hit with pool objects, in the face, so I don't need one Emergency Room visit for face stitches every decade.

I ended up joining in on pool games when I got tried of the dronings of Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar -- there was some ping pong, pool badminton (didn't work so well, especially without a net)

Which founding father am I? Yeah, the old dude wig didn't work as well on me, I guess.

Jose Carlos' dog Kiki made her maiden voyage out to waters unknown

We tried to hit the ball midair when Claire throwed it to us. Pretty sure ended up winning, cuz Em jumped way too soon!

Claire and JC playing pool badminton before taking it out of the pool

Beach day was all in all a success, minus said burns. I got to cook, I helped clean, I picked out the brew and helped bring it there, I read 100 pages in The Bell Jar, and its Debbie Downer plot contrasted pretty sharply with the environment, which was interesting.
Anyway...Burns. I always, always, always burn. I mean, look at my skin tone -- hardly any melanin at all, right? Back in the day, it was considered much more desirable for women to have white white skin. I guess I would've been revered for my albino-ness in those days. My whitewhitewhiteness doesn't bother me, actually, I just wish I didn't burn so easily.

Other stuff ~ This week I'll be trying to get a video of me teaching to send people for phone interviews, since I can't teach in person for them to see me working. I think it's a good idea in any case, though, because it'll be a way to see how I look in front of the kids and get feedback later about how I could improve. I asked a couple of the English teachers at my school if I can go into their classrooms and get somebody to film me. Doesn't really bother me, either. I am the opposite of camera shy. What does bother me is the anxiety I'm getting for all these interviews, cuz I don't wanna be unemployed for long...it's going to drive me crazy until I decide a) where I'll work b) where I'll live and c) all the other fun stuff that you start to ask yourself once those 2 things are filed away, like social network, will I ride again, will I take my cat out with me when I move, how will it feel to be back in the USA again...Truth be told, I'm super psyched to get back to my own culture. I like being a novelty over here, too, it's just different. And let's face it, I'm a novelty everywhere I go for having lived in so many places. That's something that's going to come up in eeeevvvery interview I do, I'm guessing. Fugitive's gotta have somewhere to live, y'know.

1 comment:

Adelyn Zara said...

Better to slather up the sunscreen than be hurtin' for several days afterward, I guess . . .