Thursday, June 25, 2009


Next year, if I decide to go back to Spain, I'll be placed in Zamora (Zamora) -- that's in the Castilla y León region, in Zamora city in the Zamora province. I really don't know anything about it, yet, but I have to do some research and decide whether or not I want to go back.

Interesting fact ~ the town where I'd be living in is 35 miles away from the Portugal border. Holy @!#)*~.

Also, this place super far away from the province where I lived in Spain, before (425 miles). Which was here --
Thank you, Wikipedia, for the geography lesson.

Other than that, I don't got much. All I know is that the dialect would change drastically, and the Spanish in the north of Spain is 8000% clearer than in the south (which is probably true of most countries in the world). The weather would also be significantly different.

Now that I'm out of Spain, the thought of going back seems incredibly appealing, because I miss it, but I really have to weigh the pro's and con's. I'm leaning towards staying in the US, since teaching is NOT what I see myself doing in the long term, also, the pay sucked (and is really bad in general)...and yeah, those are the main reasons. I need to find something more in the direction of what I want to do once I get back to the US and stick with it, unless I decide to forge ahead and live in Spain long term (which would mean I'd need to go to school there and find some other source of income...unlikely). So those are the reasons I'm thinking I wouldn't go to Spain, but right now I'm unemployed and feeling Debbie Downer about it, so the thought of going back to Europe seems awesome.


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