Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Living with a Type B Personality

Hazards include: throwing dry-clean only sweaters in the wash (resulting in doll clothing post-drying), hitting the snooze button 30 times, being late to everything, being a lazy mofo in general. Except for when I want something, then I kick my motivation into hyperdrive.


Worked around 40 hours at VS last week, it was almost as though I have a real job.

Speaking of ~ I got a call from Ithaca College, my alma mater, a few hours ago. I raised an eyebrow when I got a call from my home phone, since that never happens -- and of course it was a call asking for donations. I'm sorry, but I'm curious how the communications school gets these massive alumni donations. One thing I do know is that if we were to examine the statistics of the high roller donors, they don't come from the 20-something demographic and they sure as hell don't come from journalism grad's. Sigh. Even when I did have my last journalism gig, I made $40 a story, which is pitiful. The amount of work, blood/sweat/tears (and any other bodily fluid?) and energy put forth in writing news isn't proportionate to the payoff. Literally speaking, of course.

Solution is to take some other path -- luckily a J degree can be applied to many different fields...right? Mlehhhh.

Seems like all I do in this blog, post-Spain, is bitch & moan about my lack of meaningful employment.

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