Saturday, April 3, 2010

Monthly update

I saw the movie Julie & Julia, the other day, where the Julie character writes a cooking blog based on her experience doing all the recipes in Julia Child's cook book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." It reminded me that oh yeah, I have my own blog.

Just finished writing my 2nd story for I put the hyperlink there so you will go and sign up for an account. But um, sorry it's not free... but hey, is that Cosmo subscription you have free? Sports Illustrated? Insert-publication-here?? No. The point is, ya can't expect people like me who are broke to make dollah billz without some money going into a publication.

Yawn. I'm trying to come off as diplomatic and failing miserably, but oh well.

Life is pretty good right now due to the recent addition of gainful employment into my life. I go crazy when life becomes to idle. Crazy in that I'll feel catatonic and bored, that kinda thing. The best part about my new job is that not only is it something to do, but it's something I enjoy. I can still push myself to do something I don't like, such as cleaning my room. OK I won't lie, my room is in a state of disarray 90% of the time, but that's not the point. Shh! The point is that I have this insatiable need to do the best I possibly can if I really enjoy something. So far writing these stories takes a whole lot of research and fact checking and sometimes/or often I get the feeling that I'm a fraud because I'm not a good enough rider to be writing about things as advanced as Grand Prix, but hey, so far I've gotten positive feedback. The general consensus about writers or any profession that is creatively-driven is that you can always improve.

I would go into further detail about this, but I'm about to pass out on my keyboard and I'd rather not wake up with something like "ASDFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFf" on my screen when I wake up. Now I shall go to sleep, i.e. hibernation.

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