Wednesday, October 8, 2008

workin' hard! hardly workin'!

That's my apartment in videos, below, and narrated by my roommate, Michelle. She is living here for her second year.Those videos were made before the rest of us left the USA, so that's why it's empty/dead.

By the way, CIEE allows you to extend your contract twice, if you choose.

Yesterday was my first day assisting in the class, so that was fun. I went with Monica to the music class filled with 12-ish year old kids. They were a lot of fun, I thought, but Monica told me when the class was over (I had left mid-way through), that they had been kinda bad. Woops. I guess rowdy or something, but who knows. She gave me some pretty funny exasperated looks after I introduced myself, because everyone was going crazy. What can I say, I have that effect on people. Bahaha.
In the class, they're practicing singing "Rock My Soul" - it's a pretty familiar song for me, in fact, I think we did it was a warm up in one or two choruses I've been a part of. My job was to get them to pronounce the words correctly and not just plow on through. The eighth notes ar
e when they just bulldoze through the words without thinking, sometimes. Overall, they seemed really enthusiastic, but who knows. For today, I transcribed something online about Antonio Vivaldi -- it's in English, and a bunch of the words aren't exactly 12-year old 2nd language speaker friendly, so I've making everything present tense. That can be a bit awkward sometimes, e.g. Vivaldi is born in ___, he composes his first concerto in ____, he dies because he jumps off a cliff, or what have you.

Also, I think I'm going to be going to the art class either today or tomorrow. And the day after that, I'm helping out with English classes. Yay! I'm so relieved I won't be needed for the math or science classes. You're talking to a girl who failed Algebra in 8th grade, so I am probably the worst candidate ever for that. I aced it in 9th grade though, woooo! And I got up to precalculus by the time I was done with high school. Don't judge. ;-)

OK I'm gonna get my butt in gear. Later. Oh wait...adiós.

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