Tuesday, October 21, 2008

School stuff...

Back to the grind -- today I worked on a bunch of junk for school: learning music to sing for my class, brushing up on opera info to teach, making a powerpoint presentation about basic English grammar & vocab, finding a 10-minute one-act play, preparing stuff for "conversation hours" that I have with various teachers, and the like.

Today in music class, I went over songs to sing for my class. The music teacher found out I have a music background, so she asked if I'd be interested in singing for the class. I decided sure, why not, I already sing all the time in my apartment. So I'm in the process of learning the soprano solo in a Benjamin Britten song featured in his composition "Ceremony of Carols," and the song itself is called "Balulalow." I found a clip of it on youtube with an all-boy choir...it's kind of insane to hear a boy soprano, but apparently these treble boy choirs exist. Anyway, here it is:

Nifty, right?

For the powerpoint presentation I mentioned, I'm be reviewing "do you like?" , definite and indefinite articles, possessive adjectives, demonstrative pronouns, and junk like that. Here's a slide of my presentation:
I'm going to ask them if you use "a" or "an" and then the little phrase will show up on the screen during the presentation. Fun times. Really basic, like I said. I also made a slide that's really similar to one that's in the English textbook the kids read, except I plugged in a different person's information. Shoutout to the big bro, P@ --

Other than classes, life is starting to solidify more and more every day, here. I put more stuff up on my wall, like posters and birthday stuff, so my room is looking more lived-in, thank God. I finally got a hamper and all my hangers for my closet and other basic stuff for the kitchen, and whatnot. Yesterday my roommates and I had a little pow-wow to decide who would buy the stuff used by the entire group and when it would be done and when we would clean and all those fun things. The biggest pain, probably, would have to be the bombona. The bombona is what provides our hot water, and once the gas runs out, you have to buy a new bombona thing or it's sayonara to hot water. You have to call a certain number to get it delivered and it's the biggest headache imaginable. I hate it. And I'm beginning to hate our main bathroom here, too, because it's so small and everything is smashed together in there, as though constructing the bathroom in this apartment was an after thought. Luckily we have a second one, but no one uses the shower in there, since it's basically the size of a phone booth and really uncomfortable. BAH.
Other than that, my apartment is peachy. Oh, except I hate the cold tile floor, still, but it's like that everywhere in Spain. My 2 euro slippers and falling apart, too, so it'll be curtains for those, soon. What can you expect from 2 euro slippers, I guess?

OK, enough complaining -- good things, let's see...My roommates and I will be celebrating yet another birthday this weekend, Emily's. Emily lives in Cabra, too, and she's also turning 23. We'll be staying in Cabra this weekend, though. She can't travel because she's being observed this Thursday or Friday, can't remember. I might be traveling by myself, though, since I've received an invite from Carole to go back to Málaga, but I'm not sure if I'll go, yet. I want to, though.

Now I'm going to finish that powerpoint thing and attempt to sleep. Slept crappily last night, so I want to get to sleep earlier tonight and stay asleep since I have to get up earlier in the morning on Wednesdays. Bleh.
Oh, one more thing to complain about: every time I get to my school I am sweating from biking up the enormous hill and I take about half an hour to get back to normal, which sucks. It reminds me of The Office when Jim starts biking to work and is gross and sweaty, only hopefully I'm not that bad...It is seriously a 20-minute bike ride constantly going uphill. I don't even pedal 95% of the time on my way back home, I just coast. That's not an exaggeration -- I'm going to take a video of my trek to school, someday. Blech! At least my leg muscles are gonna be stronger.


Adelyn Zara said...

Gotta clean . . . unfortunate fact of life. What is a bonboma thing? How often do you have to replace it?

Your slides are cool. Are you making one for all the family?

Thanks for the card. I loved it.

Love you, Mom

Dave said...

I love reading these blogs. Ok, sé que soy su padre. Pero, su blog es ma's interesante que Huffington Post. Speaking of which, take a look at the latest ignorance from Sarah Palin. http://thinkprogress.org/2008/10/21/palin-vp-senate/

Su Padre - Tambien llamdo HV

P@ said...

I'm famous in Spain!